Sunday, 30 June 2013

The cold breeze had come...

Professional Exam for First Year Medical Doctor (MD) course

Here, hands are trembling, minds are shattering, so much that it does not become visible to the eye. A year of tremendous, plentiful amount of information tightly coiled & packed together in a systematic way blockwise.

No human does so perfect. No human pass so colourful. No information encapsulated so packed. Yet, it has to be done no matter how hopeless, nor do what happened.

The formula of success was never be proven. This is because the place of success is already embedded in the very soul of the owner. It is in his mindset that the success are. So long that he believe he would be, indeed, his path would be eased.

May Allah ease my journey, so do my colleagues' journey. For the sake of future generation, these task has to be taken. One does not simply address an examination as a burden instead for a grant, for the burden make the sufferer suffer forever, but grant make the sufferer forget the suffering- in their very own future one day...

How to get infinite lives in Candy Crush Saga

How to get infinite lives in Candy Crush Saga

Well, after hours and days of frustation, finally Ive come up thinking something. Why would I wait for the lives, since I can bend the time as I wish- Its my smartphone. Hence, after several trial and error, Ive produced this steps, for those guys who wish to be faster in this game.

It is not a cheat I stressed here. It is just manipulating the preexisting system - by travelling TIME! Here is the secret to immortality in Candy Crush Saga

1- Exit the Candy Crush apps.
2-Go to Setting
3)Go to Date and Time

4)Untick all the boxes
5)Add 3 hours from existing time

6)Open Candy Crush apps. Your lives will be full. But, it is not over yet.
7)Exit back the apps. Make sure you end the program at theTask Manager also. Swipe it off. 
8) Go back to Setting>Date and time. Tick the --Automatic Date & Time-- box
9) You would see that the time will come back to normal. Then, you can enjoy. If you ran out of 5 lives. Exit the apps, and repeat these steps again.

*This method is true as for Samsung Note. Im not pretty sure about others, but more than less the concept are the same
* Do not correct the time manually by subtracting back 3 hours. You would end up waiting for hundreds or thousands of minutes
*Make sure the addition of 3 hours does not result in changes in date to the next day. If this happens, it wouldnt work, and you also need to wait......very long. So, play during the day dude.

Happy time travelling~ =)

Thursday, 6 June 2013

I am Thankful

Read this, and you have no reason to not be thankful

I am Thankful...

Who is on the chair
Being a couch potato
Because he is with me
And not out there somewhere...

For the FEE I paid
Because it means
I am trusted as a student

For the MESS to clean after a party
Because it means I have
been surrounded by dearful friends

For the CLOTHES that fit a little too snug

Because it means
I have enough to eat

For a ROOM that need sweeping
Windows that need cleaning
Bed that needs making
Because it means I have home

I heard about the government
Because it means
We have freedom of speech

I found at the very far end of the building
Because it means I am capable of walking 

For the pile of LAUNDRY & IRONING
Because it means
I have enough clothes to wear

For weariness and aching MUSCLES
at the end of the day
Because it means i have been
capable of working hard

For the alarm that goes off, passing
In the early morning hours
Because it means, I am still... 

~Quoted, and modified~

Well, my first post that is totally encrypted in English. What an achievement, haha....

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