Professional Exam for First Year Medical Doctor (MD) course
Here, hands are trembling, minds are shattering, so much that it does not become visible to the eye. A year of tremendous, plentiful amount of information tightly coiled & packed together in a systematic way blockwise.
No human does so perfect. No human pass so colourful. No information encapsulated so packed. Yet, it has to be done no matter how hopeless, nor do what happened.
The formula of success was never be proven. This is because the place of success is already embedded in the very soul of the owner. It is in his mindset that the success are. So long that he believe he would be, indeed, his path would be eased.
May Allah ease my journey, so do my colleagues' journey. For the sake of future generation, these task has to be taken. One does not simply address an examination as a burden instead for a grant, for the burden make the sufferer suffer forever, but grant make the sufferer forget the suffering- in their very own future one day...
Here, hands are trembling, minds are shattering, so much that it does not become visible to the eye. A year of tremendous, plentiful amount of information tightly coiled & packed together in a systematic way blockwise.
No human does so perfect. No human pass so colourful. No information encapsulated so packed. Yet, it has to be done no matter how hopeless, nor do what happened.
The formula of success was never be proven. This is because the place of success is already embedded in the very soul of the owner. It is in his mindset that the success are. So long that he believe he would be, indeed, his path would be eased.
May Allah ease my journey, so do my colleagues' journey. For the sake of future generation, these task has to be taken. One does not simply address an examination as a burden instead for a grant, for the burden make the sufferer suffer forever, but grant make the sufferer forget the suffering- in their very own future one day...