Saturday, 20 September 2014

A girl and a Wise Professor

A girl student comes to meet a wise professor, asking so much things that she was curious about.

Girl: Mr Professor, why does this occurred…..what is this…..what does this means etc etc….

The professor brilliantly answered all her inquiries, as if all the answers had been written yet embedded behind his eyes. The girl understood, but dissatisfied on one thing.

Gambar Hiasan

Girl: I wonder Mr Professor, how you can remember everything in such detail!? Your explanation is so perfect, I wonder what did you do to get those things fixed as memories? 

The professor doesnt expect that question, but he seems to possesses the answer.

Professor: Hahaha, a very deep question my lady, but you had reminded me of my time!! The very fabric of the situation is so similar, except now I have become 30 years older.

You know what my lady, the answer to your questions is very simple. How I remembered all of this stuffs?? It is simply because people like you exist in this world!

Girl: What does that supposed to mean Mr Professor?

Professor: It is the people like you that keep asking me this thing, that thing etc... I definitely have 2 choices; to answer them, or to simply say I dont know. Robert Frost once admit that he cant travel both roads;and hence, so do I. 

Later on, I realized that keep saying ''I dont know'' is not a good option, because I will miss to know something important. I decided to get prepared for being bombarded with questions. I drilled every aspect of a thing to its utmost depth. I trained my eyes so that every facts that Ive read becomes an answer to an imaginary question. So, each time I am bombarded with the same questions, I am better than ready.

You see my lady, without you people, I will definitely become ignorant to things I am not familiar with. Ive seen many, even at current day of course, had succumbed to this attitude. So now,  here I am, being a professor =)

Girl: So basically you are saying that I am not reading enough, and hence, must read more to improve?

Professor: It depends to you my lady. It is you whose intention to seek knowledge, not others. If you are hungry, doesnt matter how or what it is, you will grab literally anything to fill your empty stomach is it not?  It is an enigma that nowadays people are so anorexic to knowledge....

Girl: How can I be sure Im also going to succeed as you did?

Professor: Well, I can guarantee you one thing. You will realized it when your lecturers asked some trivia to the
whole class - the class is dead silent, but you grin to yourself  as you have the exact answer, but just being shy to speak it up loudly!

Friday, 29 August 2014

Menaiki bahtera kawan

Orang kata ajal, maut dan jodoh terletak di tangan Tuhan, manusia hanya mampu merancang dan Allah yang menentukan.

Rakan sebatch girls

Tanggal 23 Aug 2014 telah membuktikan kenyataan ini; sahabat sebatchku, Atiqah Yusof telah melangsungkan perkahwinannya. Apa yang mengejutkan ialah lelaki itu adalah sahabatku di campus  sendiri. Kehilangan si Hussein secara misteri selama seminggu sewaktu di campus dahulu rupa-rupanya kerana dia sedang merisik calon isteri nya ini!

Rakan sebatch guys

Aku telah tiba di satu perinngkat iaitu rakan2 seperjuanganku sudah ada yang mahu mendirikan rumah tangga. Maklumlah, umur pun sudah menjangkau 22 tahun. Seorang demi seorang, sekeping demi sekeping kad, dan semesej demi semesej yg datang menjemput.

Apa-apapun, mabrook diucapkann kepada mereka berdua, semoga bahagia buat selama-lamanya. Ttapi jangan lupa, tugas sebagai seorang student masih ada hehehe..

So, selepas menghadiri majlis perkahwinan rakan sendiri, satu persoalan yang tidak dapat dielakkan ialah....

''Who's next''??....

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Random Facts

10 General Facts that you wish to know earlier

 Ahh...its been a while since the last time I have my eyes glancing at this portal. Siince I want to put something for the Varna Magazine, Ive surveyed a bit of interesting facts for me that I have came across.

-       1.   Dentist have recommended that a toothbrush be kept at least 2m away from toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush

-          2. You are having a conversation with someone. What troubles you are you keeps on temporarily forgetting some words you wish to say, phrases or even his/her names. Beware as you might be suffering from lethologica

-          3. You enter a pharmacy and joked to the pharmacist to give you drugs that can make you become smarter, and not easily get boring in class. The pharmacist might consider you serious by giving you nootropics.

-         4. If you have a cat at home, be happy because your pet is one of the only three animals (other being camels & giraffes) in the world that walk Right Foot > Right Foot > Left Foot > Left Foot rather than Right Foot>Left Foot

-         5. Chewing on gum while cutting onions can help a person from stop producing tears. Try it next time you chop onions. Let’s try for dinner, shall we?

-         6. You avoid frowning because it uses many facial muscles, scared of existence of wrinkles on your face or so. Hence, you keep a smile every moment. However in fact, actually smiling use more muscles than frowning. It only takes less effort.

-       7.  The faster you ends you study, the lesser you will be burdened with new things to be studied. If you haven’t noticed, the Periodic Table of Elements gained the latest 116th new member, Livermorium on 30th May 2012. In addition to that, there are currently 22nd amino acids existed.

-         8. Think about voluntary muscles in human body that have only origin without insertion.
Don’t get the answer? What if I tell that you are talking using it… 

-          9.Have you heard the quotes that it is impossible to sneeze with eyes open because your eyes will be popped out due to extremely high pressure? Go watch Mythbuster channel on Youtube proving that in fact, it is actually possible!

-          10. You might be reading this with coffee on your side. If your cup of coffee contain more than 10 gram of caffeine, you will be dead by drinking the whole lot.

I       *I do not hold the copyright of any of these facts, nor do I beheld responsible for its validity in case it is proven to be not true. Perhaps just for the sake of knowledge. Enjoy reading~

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